
Khilafat Movement

Khilafat Movement Introduction The Khilafat movement was an agitation by Indian Muslims, allied with Indian nationalists, to pressure the British government to preserve the authority of the Ottoman Sultan as Caliph of Islam after World War I. While seemingly pan-Islamic, the movement was primarily a means of achieving pan-Indian Muslim political mobilization. The Khilafat movement (1919–22) was a pan-Islamic, political protest campaign launched by Muslims of India to influence the British government not to abolish the Ottoman Caliphate . The movement collapsed by late 1922 when Turkey gained a more favorable diplomatic position and moved toward secularism. By 1924 Turkey simply abolished the roles of Sultan and Caliph. After World War I, the Ottoman Empire faced dismemberment. Under the leadership of the Ali Brothers , Maulana Muhammad Ali and Maulana Shaukat Ali , the Muslims of South Asia launched the historic Khilafat Movement to try and save it. Mohand

Conditional Sentences

Conditional sentences OR If sentences Introduction There are 4 main types of if sentences in English, often called conditional sentences. These sentences are in two halves (clauses): 1.The if part (If clause, condition) 2.The other part where you can use words such as can/will/may/might/ could and would.(main clause,result or consequence) Formulation Conditional 0 (Zero) : If + present simple + present simple. Conditional I (First conditional) : if + present simple + future simple. Conditional II (Second conditional) : If + past simple + Would do. Conditional III (Third Conditional) : If + past perfect + would have done. Note The " If " clause can be either the first or the second part of the sentence, you can switch them Conditional Zero (0) Formulation : if + present simple + present simple. Concept : A fact, something that is always true. The zero conditional is used to make statements about the real


                                                        Executive Summary China’s Belt and Road Initiative (also known as One Belt, One Road (OBOR)) is one of President Xi’s most ambitious foreign and economic policies. It aims to strengthen Beijing’s economic leadership through a vast program of infrastructure building through out China’s neighboring regions. Many foreign policy analysts view this initiative largely through a geopolitical lens, seeing it as Beijing’s attempt to gain political leverage over its neighbors. There is no doubt that is part of Beijing’s strategic calculation. However, this Analysis argues that some of the key drivers behind OBOR are largely motivated by China’s pressing economic concerns.             One of the overriding objectives of OBOR is to address China’s deepening  regional disparity as the country’s economy modernizes. Beijing hopes its transnational infrastructure building program will spur growth in China’

US constitution slides

                        US_Constitution . 1. Origins       Why the Orgins matter?      The Aim of constitution.?                       Codified and Non codified?  Uncodified?       COMPARISON US & UK.                            Presidential system?  Features of presidential system?      Separation of powers          Power separation Chart.  Checks & Balances Amendment process.  The Bill rights.  OTHER AMENDMENTS.  Flexibility

The US constitution.

                    The US Constitution.                 Introduction and Evolution The present Federal government of U.S.A came into being in the year of 1789.The United States comprised of thirteen colonies of Great Britain. In the year 1776, these colonies at the Atlantic Coast rebelled against the mother country and became independent in 1783.During this period the revolted colonies established the “Articles of Confederation” as the first constitution in 1777. However, this system could not last very long. There was no separate common executive nor was there any independent judiciary. An effective central government was the fundamental need of the hour. A convention for the purpose of framing the constitution was convened at Philadelphia in 1787.Thus the constitution was framed on the basis of this convention and was signed by the delegates on September 17,1787.This constitution came into force in 1789.since then it has undergone many changes, one of them being th

World war II

                                World war II   Quick view.    Second World War, was a global war that lasted from 1939 to 1945, although related conflicts began earlier. It involved the vast majority of the world's nations—including all of the great powers—eventually forming two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis. It was the most widespread war in history, and directly involved more than 100 million people from over 30 countries. In a state of "total war", the major participants threw their entire economic, industrial, and scientific capabilities behind the war effort, erasing the distinction between civilian and military resources. Marked by mass deaths of civilians, including the Holocaust (in which approximately 11 million people were killed) and the strategic bombing of industrial and population centres (in which approximately one million were killed, and which included the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki),] it resulted in an e